Spring Grove Communications
166 West Main Street
Spring Grove MN, 55974
Your Local Technology Headquarters

Smart Rural Community
Spring Grove Communications is honored to be a Smart Rural Community provider!
Smart Rural Community is a group of providers who are committed to driving growth and creating opportunities to our community. Smart Rural Community providers enable fast, reliable and sustainable connectivity needed to thrive in an online world.
Spring Grove Communications has met Smart Rural Community requirements, set by the Rural Broadband Association, to be a member provider that works tirelessly to keep small-town America connected. Providers lead and collaborate on broadband-enabled projects that provide technology for distance learning, enhance state-of-the-art health care through telemedicine, and encourage entrepreneurship and economic development. These initiatives, among others, help to connect rural communities and keep them advancing towards a future-proof sustainable infrastructure.
We are proud to join a network of Smart Rural Community rural broadband providers who meet robust broadband standards and are grateful to serve our rural community members – One Connection at a time.